quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Chess T-Shirts

Alô povo da Terra! 
Mais especificamente Brasil, mas preste atenção se vc morar no Acre ou em Roraima o frete irá mata-los ;) pra quem mora perto ou vive em um estado perto do Paraná aqui vai uma dica muito legal pra quem quer comprar camiseta de bandas de Screamo. A loja se chama Chess T-Shirts muito boa! a variedade é incrivel e eu ja comprei e o produto vem muito bem embalado e é de ótima qualidade aqui vai o link:

Some Like It cold

Hopes Die Last - Some Like It Cold video

Some Like It Cold - Hopes Die Last

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Escape The Fate

Quem não queria estar num avião com a banda Escape The Fate? haha eu não xD mas muita gente queria e é pra essa turma que aqui vai a musica 10 Miles Wide \m/

As I Lay Dying

Musica não tão nova assim mais esta apenas 4 meses no YouTube e ja passo de 1 Milhão de acessos ou seja muita coisa! a musica se chama A Greatter Foundation e esta ai pra vocês o video oficial.


Ae galera minha camiseta do Blessthefall *-* é linda! We're Not Dead!
entro pra coleção ... a minha do AfuckingA ta velinha :c

Wallpaper Hopes Die Last

sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

Before The Devil Knows You Are Dead

Before The Devil Knows You Are Gay :O
When everything goes wrong
You Feel,So Down
And when you feel so down
The Cure is this Beat Down

Was what made it small
Keep playing that shit all day long
You'll probably like your dick small
There is no meaning
Trying,To find your true love
Your Best Friend is now your left hand
And I've got no tears for you 

Was what made it small
Keep playing that shit all day long
You'll probably like your dick small
There is no meaning
Trying,To find your true love
Your Best Friend is now your left hand 
Dont stop now fucking,Fag

You started tremble
When You looked Her in the eyes
You fucking fag
Dont tell her Lies(X2)


You made that fuckin happen
You're gonna be a father
Use condoms baby
Use condoms or you're gonna fuck it up(X2)

Make her love and say
"You're not gonna pain"
Always the same
Pay your mistakes

Make her love and say
You re not gonna pain
Pray for fogiveness
Cause you suck dickless(X2)



May you be in heaven half an hour
Before The Devil Knows You
Are Dead
May you be in heaven half an hour
Before The Devil Knows You're

You started tremble
When You looked Her in the eyes
You fucking fag
Dont tell her Lies(X2)


The time has come
for you
to Fuck you

Just look her in the eyes
You made a thousand mistakes
You Don't Seem To regret

Misery Life.

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013

quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

Hey Baby, FUCK YOU!

Blessthefall: Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted.

Make Me Famous

Blind Date 101:

Thousands of handshakes
Millions of heartbreaks
Can’t prevent the shots you take
I look around
At where I’m found
I’d never change the things I make

It feels like you’re always losing
Living life that you would never choose
I know you efforts are in vain now
Living life that brings you only pain
I’m here again

I never met her twice
I’ll never see her face again
I can’t remember her eyes
And I’ll never tell her name
Just a tiny drop
In my lifestream
She made my past life stop
[Her blood still remains on my skin]

You’re always lieing
You never learn
Your heart is dying
I’ve no concern

I spread a knowledge to the world
That makes it hard to breathe
You can run for your answers
But I’ll make you fall on your knees.

I’ll be your midnight fear.

I will break your neck spinning like a thunder
I’m the giant wave that will take you under
I will tear your guts, I’m your disaster
I am not a vision - I’m the master

She made my past life stop
Her blood still remains on my skin.

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Black Veil Brides

 In The End

 Essa é a musica e o video mais novo da banda Black Veil Brides, mas também conhecida como BVB a musica com o titulo de In The End ja faz sucesso no YouTube e com menos de 1 mês estando no YouTube para os fãs desfrutarem ja passa dos dois milhões de acesso.
Particularmente prefiro Knives And Pens então estão os dois vídeos para vocês poderem ver ;).

Knives And Pens

sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013

Oceans Ate Alaska

Hoje estou postando o album da banda Oceans Ate Alaska para vocês ouvirem na integra, o album conta com as musicas de sucesso Clocks e To Catch A Flame... O album traz também musicas como Blue Lung, Hunting Season, entre outras. O album vem com o nome de Into The Deep, espero que aproveitem!

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2013